Pro’stik’s ProStik Thermo Adhesives are result of 50+ years of constant innovation and workmanship of highly experienced scientists and innovators.
From automobile to textile to electronics and more, wherever your eyes go, you will find the presence of our thermo adhesives behind the success of hundreds of innovative products.
The vast range of ProStik products
Live test the caliber of our Thermo Adhesives
A unique range that brings to you...
From improving functionality to streamlining production and from bringing innovation to
reducing cost, our thermo adhesive products bring unimaginable benefits in true sense.
Our thermo-adhesives are...
With our thermo adhesives you could...
The age-old needles, threads and messy glues don’t solve the complex challenges of modern aesthetic designs. This is the reason why our clients across the globe trust caliber of our Thermo Adhesives to go beyond the limits and launch products that seem impossible.
Industries that rely on our thermo adhesives include:
home textile
and many more